Chapter IX – Drop ‘Em Cowboy!

I know I have mentioned that Texas T’s and the Queen are not now nor have we ever been nudists and yes, I know we were naked last night (and out and about).

But that was at NIGHT! It’s a whole ‘nother thing do be doing this during the DAYLIGHT hours!!

Okay, I admit it…I lost my nerve. The Topless Queen said, “Well, maybe it’ll be easier for you in the pool.”

Can’t argue with irrefutable logic, can I? So we headed over to the pool, shucked and jumped in (Don’t have a CLUE why that DID seem to be easier). Found a spot up by the bar (in the shade, even), and introduced myself to Delroy, Hedo’s world famous bartender.

You know, I hafta wonder what the Jamaican folks who work at Hedonism think about all these crazy, naked people that come to stay at the resort. I meant to ask Delroy, but somehow never got around to it.

We spent a couple of hours in the pool, met a few nice folks, had some REAL good drinks. The pool continued to get more crowded. And Loud. And Rowdy. By this time the Queen noticed I was getting a likkle fried on my shoulders so we decided to head back to the room for some lotion. When we got back to the room noticed it was about lunch time. My how time flies... Any way we found this stuff before we left Texas that looks kinda Gel like with Aloe in it that works like nobody’s business. So I slathered my shoulders in that, threw a shirt and my swimsuit on and we went up for lunch.

As I said in one of the previous parts, meals were a mix of Jamaican and American foods (buffet style) and were usually quite good.

Decided to try the beach for the afternoon, what with all the alcohol and other party favors – no problems this time! (!) Whoosh! OFF with those clothes, man! Found a spot under one of those Sea Grape trees (at least I think that’s what they are), got a couple of lounges and layed out. When we got too hot, we’d find a couple of floats that weren’t in use and go float in the cool blue Caribbean. Ahh… You could see the steam rise when I hit the water. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

We lounged around the beach or in the water all afternoon until the afternoon shower drove everyone off the beach. It rained till after dark that day. After a shower (inside) we headed up to dinner. We had reservations at the Scotch Bonnet.

Unfortunately what with the rain that evening, the bonnet didn’t open, as it is dinning Poolside. But no one ever told us and resort management never made an announcement. Grumble, grumble…We ended up eating at the dinning room. We were a little perturbed by that, but what the hell. We’re on vacation, Mon! No problem!

We hit the sack pretty early that night after a stop by the hot tub…and slept like stones.


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